Thursday, June 2, 2011

Way behind

I have so much I feel I need to blog about. But typing on the iPad isn't exactly time friendly. The boys and I are in AR for a visit. Guess I will try to catch up when we get home this weekend. If I remember......

Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 17th

I've been meaning to post this and just haven't been on the computer to do it. But March 17th little guy cut his first tooth. And just yesterday, March 30th, he cut his 2nd! Jake also lost his 2nd Sunday night I believe. Will have to check with Heather for exact date.

Here is the first picture of the boys in matching outfits!

Also, Jake got the Tiger Paw award for his class this quarter. They give it to 1 girl and 1 boy each quarter as an overall award. To ones who show kindness, get work done, etc, etc.... Oh and he also had perfect attendance :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sick Baby (And 6 Month Birthday)

So I thought that this little guy was getting over his cold. And he was, I least THAT cold. He was acting better, in a better mood, not as snotty, etc, etc. Until Sunday afternoon. Starting about 5 o'clock, he just started crying. And screaming. And crying.....and he was inconsolable. He even cried through a bath, which he has NEVER done before. Long story short, after a call to the Dr, and a few hours of contemplation, we wound up at the ER at about 10:30pm. We left there at approx 3:00am with a tired baby, a tired mommy, and an RSV & Pneumonia diagnosis. They gave him a shot of antibiotics and sent us home with a script. He still feels like poo. I feel so helpless! But there's nothing more I can do. We go back to the Dr on Thursday. It's actually his 6 month well child check, but I seriously doubt they'll be giving him his vaccines. Although, even through the sickness....he still TRIES to be in a good mood and be happy. He doesn't always succeed, but he does try. Sucks for little guy to be sick on his 6 month birthday. Happy 1/2 year Birthday Daniel Ray! We love you!

Also I want to take a second to wish a very Happy Birthday to Mrs Robyn Jones. She is now the age she will be for the rest of her life :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things to Remember

Well, I wanted to blog today pretty much to document a few things, and also to share a few pictures.

First off, Jake lost his first tooth yesterday! It's been loose for about a month, but he finally let our neighbor pull it out. He put it under his pillow and the tooth fairy brought him TWO DOLLARS! It was kinda sad though, he came in my room this morning, about 2 minutes before the alarm was going to go off and said, "Momma, I didn't get any money" :( I said, "What??! Are you sure?! Let's go look." So we went into his room, he lifted up his pillow and said, "See. No money." It was so sad! So I proceeded to explain how he is such a crazy sleeper that maybe it fell off the bed because SURELY the tooth fairy wouldn't take your first tooth and not leave you anything for it!! So we finally found the bag that Jake had left the tooth in with a note asking to keep it. The note was gone and she left two dollars :) All was well!

I think Daniel isn't too far from crawling. He's getting his knees under him and close to rocking on all fours. Currently he just rolls across the living room. He can still get where he wants to go though!

Jake is still enjoying kindergarten. He's making friends and so are we. He has also learned to ride his bike without training wheels and he loves it! We are finally settling in quite nicely. Still a lot to do and get done though. I seriously need to have a yard sale.

Daniel is getting over a pretty nasty cold. Last week was probably the worst he (and I) have had. He went to the Dr last Thursday and they said Croupe and gave him steriods. Well the barky cough is gone, but he's still got nasty wet cough. Hopefully he'll get over it soon and we can all be well :)

Anyhow, he's some pictures, enjoy!

Anyhow, here's some pictures.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Month (and a half) of Status Updates

So I'm going to do something a little different in this post. I'm going to go to my Facebook and copy all my statuses that I have posted this year. This should be interesting, and hopfully give me some attitude perspective!

They started January 3rd, might I add WOW!! I had to scroll down A LOT to get back to the beginning of the year! So here gos....

Really considered what I wanted to say when updating my status. Sadly, could not think of anything positive to say. I guess I just wonder why some people are so quick to act, then cowards to take accountability. You know who you are.

I might not be perfect, but I'm sure glad I'm not like YOU.

Ah suga suga. Ba ba ba ba ba ba. Oh honey honey. WPS!! Go hogs! Super pumped for tonight!


Nice kick Zach!

No nice words come to mind.....

Still mighty proud of the Hogs. That was quite the comeback. Actually turned it into a game. Sad for the loss though. Seriously.

Wow! Just heard on the radio that this man got pulled over for speeding. Well, his wife was in labor. When the cop realized what was happening he gave them a police escort to the hospital. Six minutes after the baby was born he gave the dad a speeding ticket!

Ever have one of those days when you feel really lucky; like win the lottery, fit into your skinny jeans, kids don't act up kind of lucky??? Sigh. Me neither.

Still a HOGS fan, but I had to repost this because it's hillarious!

**Breaking News **
After a recent autopsy conducted on the birds that fell from the sky in Beebe, AR. It was determined the birds were dropped by Arkansas Razorback Receivers.

Going to try the Bunko thing tonight. I've never played before, any pointers?

True friends do NOT tell you when you have a booger or when toilet paper is stuck to your shoe! TRUE friends take a picture of it and upload it to Facebook!

has been quite consumed with House reruns lately.

I don't really care about either team playing at the moment.....but DANG!! Chiefs: Playing dirty WILL NOT get you the win!!

Snow?! What's all this about snow?! It was 60 something here today! Had to open the windows just to cool off :~)

Well both defenses certainly came to play! At least this is going to be a good game :)

Awwwww!!! I heart Alli & Roberto! (Ya I know I'm a little behind, lol)

Sleepy. Up WAY too early

What a great day! First, an awesome walk with Heather Trujillo around the neighborhood, then a great park date with her and Nikki Hill ! Then a spaghetti and wine dinner with Heather and the kiddos! Doesn't get much better than that :)

Having a feeling that today will be a very NON productive day.......

Would really LOVE to sleep in......just ONE day.

It's a cinnamon roll kind of morning

Mmmmm filiberto's!

Walked 2 miles today! Yay!'s a

if you are gonna bark, make sure you can bite

A friend of a friend of someone I once knew wants to know if you can send an anonymous message on FB.........I don't think you can.......what do all you FB friends think??

GLEE! (even if it is a rerun :))

is crackin' up!! Bahahahahahahah!!!

Hey, if you're going to be 2 faced i suggest you make one worth looking at

has discovered that I'm multi-talented. I can talk, click, and piss my husband off at the same time!

is thinking..... when I grow up I want to drive an ice cream truck for adults and sell frozen margaritas and daiquiri's!

Daniel is officially a BOY. He has come to the point where he toots and then laughs about it!

never would have fought those naps when I was 3 had I known how much I would need them now.

Somewhat irritated.

....speaks my mind....cause it hurts to bite my tongue

Oh pretty, pretty, pretty please let the kids sleep in tomorrow. Thank you, good night :)

So the kids are still asleep....but I'm up! Why does it always happen that way??

anybody want a screaming baby? And I mean screaming.....not crying....screaming

is cracking up at the hubby Thomas Nickolich for getting SO into The Bachelor! He has something to say about everyone on there!! LOLOLOL!

should probably be cleaning the house since the screaming baby is currently sleeping. But enjoying the peace and quite with the first 7 episodes of House sounds so much better.....

I need a Nanny. Or a housekeeper. Either will do.....because this week....I'm having a hell of a time being both!

Sick. Ugh. And that means the boys will probably get sick. Round and round we go. :(

Olive Garden lunch today with Heather Trujillo, some all you can eat soup is bound to make my throat feel better!! what is with these 430 feedings the last few days?? He hasn't done this in 2 months! I hope this does not become a pattern.......

Love this one:
"There is no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation, that makes us better than anyone else. We are all deserving of love." Sandra Bullock quoting her mother during her 2010 Oscar acceptance speech.

How long can I use the, "I just had a baby that's why my fat jeans don't fit" line?

So I guess little man isn't sleeping through the night anymore. Should have known I couldn't be that lucky.......

I ♥ Matthew Morrison

I let Karma handle my dirty work

‎4 out of 5 Urologists smell their apple juice before they drink it.


Well.....we all got our baths today. That's about all that's been accomplished. With a sick baby I wouldn't say that's half bad :)

My poor little man is so sick. And boy has it been a long day......

Sleep. Please?

Wow looks like we got some of that cold weather all of FB has been talking about! The high is only supposed to be 51 here today!

Is going to bed VERY soon. Yes.....this is quite early for me

Oh someone please help me. I have no idea what to do for this poor sick, crying baby!! Any cold remedies for a 5 month old??

Daniel woke up screaming. Little Noses, booger sucker, screaming, daddy dancing, baby einstein.......FINALLY back to sleep two hours later. Is it even worth me going back to sleep just for 55 minutes?

Trying to decide if I should hold out and see if baby man takes a nap anytime soon and then lay down with him (not knowing how long or how well he'll sleep), or if I should suck it up, drink another cup of coffee and down a 5 hr energy.

GLEE MARATHON SATURDAY!! My day just got so much better :)

I find it funny that walmart has moved the condoms and ky to the end caps for valentines day.

YES!! Sleep! Thank you Daniel :D

Ok bring it! Time for GLEE!

Wow. The house that built me/nothin' but a memory by Miranda Lambert makes me sad :(



It's not stalking, it's just keeping in touch. Oh and by the way, you're out of milk.

Well...........that was more work than I anticipated!! LOL At least they weren't all negative, which was what I was worried about. So....this was my random blog for the day :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

Well, it's the new year. Hoping that this year brings a lot more of the positive our way. I've (we've) been pretty stressed out these past few days/weeks. I mean, there's been a few good days here and there and I try to keep a good mood. But dang. Sometimes it's just too much. One thing after another. We've had some crazy run in's with some neighborhood women, Tom's phone got shut off, Christmas, etc, etc, etc.....I could go on and on, but I won't go into details. I just cannot believe how some families treat their members sometimes (or all the time). Any who are close to us know the details anyways. Definitely glad to attempt to get the negative OUT of our lives. Don't bother calling. We know you won't anyways. We are working on OURSELVES and being better people. You should try it sometime. Practice what you pretend to "preach" and "say" you believe.

On a different note. Pretty excited for the game Tuesday. SUGAR BOWL BABY!! LOL. Woo Pig Sooie!!

About the only other exciting thing I've experienced lately is all the awesome Christmas stuff I got on clearance the week after Christmas =) Well.....we'll be set for next year! This house will look awesome!!

So....seriously hoping this year will continue to get better. Here's just a few pics. Like I said, nothing too exciting, lol. Enjoy though!

(Some of my Christmas clearance stuff)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daniel Stats

So I got all his stats from his Drs office today. Wow he's getting so big so fast!!

7lbs 7 oz
20 3/4 in long
Not sure of Head Circumference

18 Days Old
8 lbs 7 oz
21 1/4 in long
14 1/4 Head Circumference

1 Month
9 lbs 10 oz
22 in long
14 3/4 HC

2 Month
13 lbs 9oz
24 in long
16 HC

4 Months
17 lbs (90th %)
27 in long (97th%!)
17 HC (90th%)

Kelly, if you read this I would love your email address!! Please send me an email to so I can have it. Merry Christmas to you guys!